A Journey Back in Time Through the Eyes of a German Doctor: an Analysis of Het Sieboldhuis

The Japanese people have evolved greatly since abandoning their isolationist attitude originating from 1854. Their isolationist attitude caused Japan to be  a rather closed society that did not accept any foreign intervention, cultures and influences. However, the Dutch Republic was allowed to establish a trading post on the artificial island Deshima, near Nagasaki.  This trading […]

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Museum Hoge Woerd, a treasure? – an analysis of the exhibition ‘3000 years of living and working in Leidsche Rijn’

  Leidsche Rijn, by archaeologist and poet Esther Jansma (English version is my own translation)   This poem by Esther Jansma is on one of the walls in the exhibition “3000 jaar wonen en werken in Leidsche Rijn” (3000 years of living and working in Leidsche Rijn). I think a lot of people would agree […]

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2017-2018: Expat Archive Center Digital Scrapbooks

This practical project follows on from the theoretical course, MUSEUMS: GENDER, SEXUALITY, RACE, AND CLASS, taught by our visiting guest professor, Fulbright Fellow Dr. Amy Levin. Working in small groups of two or three, students selected a person or a theme from the rotating Twitter feed @WeAreXpats of the Expat Archive Center in the Hague. […]

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2016-2017: F-Site Women’s History

De F-site biedt inspirerend educatiemateriaal rondom vrouwen uit de geschiedenis toegespitst op de tien tijdvakken. Het materiaal is gratis toegankelijk en sluit aan op geschiedenismethodes in het Voortgezet Onderwijs. De F-site is een handreiking aan geschiedenisdocenten die behoefte hebben aan gendergelijkwaardig educatiemateriaal. Geschiedenisdocenten hebben immers een sleutelpositie in het aanbieden van een volledige geschiedenis waar […]

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