Every year in the Netherlands, you can treat yourself to eating a special kind of herring called: Hollandse Nieuwe. This special delicacy is either hated or loved and is eaten straight from the hand. The fish is dipped in some diced onions, you hold it above your head and then you take a bite. Or, if you’re from Amsterdam, it will be cut up in pieces and served with onions and pickles. But sliced or eating it whole, the herring should be fatty, silty and tender… Delicious!

Chocolate, Belgium’s pride or Belgium’s shame?
Just as a ballotin is filled to the brim with chocolates, so are the Belgian cities with chocolatiers. As a Belgian, I adore Belgian chocolate and consider it one of the best. But often with things we hold close to our hearts, we ignore its dark side. Belgian chocolate is not only a symbol of […]

Balkenbrij; a Meaty Mystery
‘A grey block of meat.’ This does not sound very appetising, but seeing balkenbrij, many would say this description is perfect. The dish looks unrecognisable in terms of ingredients, but those who do know it will describe it as ‘waste’ meat. Besides, it is often considered as nasty by those who know it; after all, it […]

Peanut butter: the journey to Dutch hearts
In the Netherlands, almost every household has a jar of peanut butter in the cupboard. Maybe you spread it on a slice of bread, or perhaps you use it as an ingredient in salad dressing. And when you were in school, did your mum pack you peanut butter sandwiches for lunch? Well, mine did, and when […]

Between Medical Diet and Hype: Half a century of eating Gluten Free
Approximately 1 percent of people have Celiac disease. This means they can’t eat gluten, the proteins found in wheat, rye and many other grains. Even though only 1 percent of people can’t eat gluten, the supermarkets are filled with gluten free products. In restaurants as well, most menus offer gluten free options. I know this […]

Fits like a glove: the global elevation of salted caramel
Salted Caramel seemed to appear almost out of nowhere, on any corner and is quickly taking over. In Holland it made its mark in the famous Tony Chocolonely chocolate and has since then been found in popcorn, ice cream, coffee, cocktails, protein shakes, Twixbars and the list goes on. The two ingredients alone are surely […]

From Elite Brew to Everyday Fuel: The Evolution of Dutch Coffee Culture in the 18th century
The Dutch are coffee lovers, especially students. Everyone has seen it before: trendy coffee shops packed with people working or studying behind their laptops. These cafes have become places where knowledge is acquired and research takes place outside the walls of universities. Four centuries ago, during the 17th century, similar trendy spots started to emerge, […]

The battle of the spekkoek: Which country can claim to be the real creator?
Toko’s, restaurants, bakeries and even supermarkets sell it. ‘Spekkoek’ has become so common in the Netherlands that you can find it everywhere. It has become part of the Dutch culture and is promoted as an Indonesian snack. I was curious about the specific origins in Indonesia of this cake, so I started my research. But […]

From unemployment to climate change: what is your motivation to eat vegetarian?
Many people today might think that vegetarianism is a trendy lifestyle movement that has only emerged in the past two decades, but nothing could be further from the truth. The history of vegetarianism in the Netherlands stretches back over a hundred years. While plant-based eating is more popular than ever today, with climate change being […]

Babi Pangang or Foe Yong Hai? Chinese-Indonesian restaurants in the Netherlands
By Renée Evers When my parents didn’t feel like cooking, it was sometimes suggested to “just walk to the Chinese” for a takeaway. Close to my parents’ house, on the corner, between the bike shop and the pub, there was a Chinese-Indonesian restaurant. As a child, I always wanted to go with them to pick […]