Hygiene. It’s a word that we hear a lot in these times of pandemic and worries about our health. In order to slow down the spread of COVID-19, people are more and more expected to wash their hands regularly and take care of their hygiene. Hygiene itself, according to the website of the Rijksoverheid, includes […]
Category: Blog

Golden Coach Revised: Changing perspectives of Colonial and Royal past.
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic in June 2021, an new exhibition opened in the Amsterdam Museum: ‘De Gouden Koets’. Centred around a Golden Coach, the exhibition shows this artifact of the Dutch Royal Family as its centrepiece. Six halls around the square are filled with items related to the coach wagon, which was made public after […]

Forgiven yet not forgotten: Victor Spencer’s execution
Twenty-one-year-old Private Victor Spencer was the last soldier during the First World War in the New Zealand army to be executed for desertion. His death was scarcely mentioned afterwards, as the fact was a great shame to his family and country. However, the silence changed after 2000 when the Pardon for Soldiers of the Great […]

Unchained and revealed
Collars are for dogs. Right? For a long time, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam thought that the collars in their collection were dog collars. However, when curators started making the Slavery exhibition, they realized that such a detailed, fragile collar was not a dog collar, but was used on enslaved human beings. The brass collar consists […]

Not Mad Men in the office, but Madwomen in Asylums
Her forehead frowned, her eyes big and bulging, pouted lips and her hair black and stringy. She looks unkempt, worried, almost scared and wears a blue scarf around her neck. By looking at her face, inspecting every inch of it, you start to wonder whether she is doing alright; she looks panicked. You start to […]

Breaking habits: The Breathalyser
It’s finally back in business: the pubs are open again, people are dancing in nightclubs and the drinks are flowing. In the countryside, people are eagerly awaiting the fair and the whole of the Netherlands is hoping that carnival will be back to normal. This is often accompanied by the necessary amounts of alcohol, something […]
Having sex without getting pregnant? Nowadays in the Netherlands the choice is superb. You can choose between many different contraceptives that prevent pregnancy, one of these being a 3 to 5 cm small anchor that is being placed in the uterus and will help prevent pregnancy for 5 to 10 years! It is called the […]

A journey of silk
A detail of an ugly Christmas sweater? Nope, far from it! This piece of silk is over a thousand years old and has travelled all the way from Asia to Northern Europe. For over hundred years little attention was paid to these silk fragments, but now, through reconstruction techniques and detailed research, we can bring […]

A very ‘skulled’ professor
In Dutch, we say that people who have a talent to learn languages have a ‘talenknobbel’, the same goes for a talent for math: a ‘wiskundeknobbel’. These expressions literally mean that someone with one of these talents has a bump on their head that shows their special ability. Long ago, in the 18th and 19th century, […]
The Vibrations of the Past: how a Medical Remedy turned into a Sexual Expression
Nowadays, you can’t walk past a sex shop without seeing them in all sizes, shapes (I once saw one with Karl Marx’s face engraved on it) and colours: vibrators. Whereas today they are an integral part of the bedside table and of social conversations with friends, in the 19th century they were not the symbol […]